Ruckus @ Indonesia

Ruckus Wireless is a pioneer in the wireless infrastructure market, enabling carriers and enterprises to stay ahead of the exploding demand for high-bandwidth applications and services. The Ruckus Smart Wi-Fi technology redefines what’s possible in wireless network performance with flexibility, reliability, and affordability. We call this Pervasive Performance.

We’ve been singularly focused on Pervasive Performance in wireless since beginning operations in 2004, and we continue to lead the industry in performance innovation. We have never relied on off-the-shelf, reference design radio technology – it just doesn’t deliver the capacity, range or interference mitigation necessary to make the dream of high performance wireless a reality. Instead, we’ve assembled a team of the best and brightest wireless minds in the world to deliver the creative solutions needed to realize our Pervasive Performance vision.

So what is Pervasive Performance?

To all of us at Ruckus, it’s our mantra. It’s what we live every day; the first thought on our minds while we’re enjoying our morning coffee to the last thing we think about as we’re wishing our families a restful sleep. It’s our ultimate goal.

To you, it may seem like a marketing term…but it’s not. It’s a combination of innovative features needed to achieve the goal of delivering the most consistent and highest-speed wireless performance possible – anywhere, everywhere, all the time. Let us explain the various components that are absolutely necessary to achieve this unprecedented level of wireless performance:

  • Adaptive Signal Control
    – your grandfather’s omni-directional antenna configs won’t cut it any longer.
  • Interference Mitigation
    – there’s plenty of noise out there, and it’s only going to get louder.
  • Capacity-driven Channel Assignment
    – long gone are the days of “set-it-and-forget-it” channel planning. Let’s get dynamic, people.
  • Dynamic Polarization Diversity
    – client devices are becoming increasingly small, smart and mobile…yesterday’s fixed polarity just won’t deliver acceptable connectivity to this Generation Next mobile device.
  • Maximized Signal Strength
    – dBs are sexy. Well, maybe only to us radio heads…but they sure make a difference in wireless connectivity.
  • Network Capacity Optimization
    – forget how many Mbps it says on the box or the Website or the datasheet…the only thing that matters is how much you can really get through the pipes. It takes some serious intelligence to maximize the real capacity of wireless.

Ruckus can provide all  of the components necessary to deliver Pervasive Performance. Sure, there are plenty of companies who can claim a few of these features, but none can provide the complete package. That’s why Ruckus has and continues to be a market leader in smart wireless systems. It’s simply the smartest wireless for a mobile world.

It all starts with our patented Smart Wi-Fi technology and its unique ability to extract unmatched capacity and reliability out of the 802.11 standards. Smart Wi-Fi leverages high-gain adaptive antenna technology and sophisticated best-path-selection algorithms to form and direct Wi-Fi signals over the highest performance paths to each and every client. Browse through our whitepapers and videos to learn about this technology in much more detail. Here, we’ll just say that it’s so unique and powerful that we’ve been granted 60 patents – with more than 82 pending.

With this technology, we’re able to do something that basic wireless technology can’t – deliver longer range and more reliable Wi-Fi connections to client devices; Wi-Fi that reaches farther and is inherently more stable due to the adaptive nature and control of our technology. Smart Wi-Fi constantly steers signals around obstructions and obstacles, mitigates interference, and focuses RF energy only  where it’s needed to ensure unprecedented coverage and consistent performance at longer ranges.

Ruckus Wi-Fi systems, with on our with our patented BeamFlex™ technology, are deployed in hundreds of thousands of locations across the globe. Our flagship product line, ZoneFlex™ Smart WLAN WLAN systems gives enterprises and carriers a full-range of indoor and outdoor Wi-Fi solutions for every imaginable application from streaming IP-based video over Wi-Fi to 3G offloading, wireless broadband access to high-speed 802.11n wireless LANs. ZoneFlex is the only centralized Smart WLAN system that combines Smart Wi-Fi and Smart Mesh networking technology within a single, powerful, wallet-friendly solution.

Ruckus Wireless delivers innovative solutions to the most critical issues facing today’s wireless networks: how to create affordable reliability and how to manage exponential growth. Ruckus hardware, software, and services help enterprises and carriers increase the range and reliability of their Wi-Fi networks, reduce the cost of deployment, and ensure consistent performance even in the most challenging environments.

It’s what we do. It’s in our DNA. And we’re proudly leading the charge to deliver, to demand, Pervasive Performance in wireless connectivity.